encodeKey method

  1. @override
String encodeKey(
  1. List<int> pubKey, [
  2. Map<String, dynamic> kwargs = const {}

Encodes a public key into an Ergo address.

pubKey: The public key to encode into an address. kwargs: Optional parameters.

  • net_type: The network type for the Ergo address (mainnet or testnet).

Returns an Ergo address as a string. Throws an ArgumentException if the address type is not of ErgoNetworkTypes.


String encodeKey(List<int> pubKey, [Map<String, dynamic> kwargs = const {}]) {
  final netType = kwargs['net_type'] ?? ErgoNetworkTypes.mainnet;

  /// Validate network type
  if (netType is! ErgoNetworkTypes) {
    throw ArgumentException(
        'Address type is not an enumerative of ErgoNetworkTypes');

  final pubKeyObj = AddrKeyValidator.validateAndGetSecp256k1Key(pubKey);
  final pubKeyBytes = pubKeyObj.compressed;

  final prefixByte =
      _ErgoAddrUtils.encodePrefix(ErgoAddressTypes.p2pkh, netType);

  final addrPayloadBytes = List<int>.from([...prefixByte, ...pubKeyBytes]);
  final checksum = _ErgoAddrUtils.computeChecksum(addrPayloadBytes);

  return Base58Encoder.encode(
      List<int>.from([...addrPayloadBytes, ...checksum]));