toHexString static method

String toHexString(
  1. List<int> dataBytes, {
  2. bool lowerCase = true,
  3. String? prefix,

Converts a List of integers representing bytes, dataBytes, into a hexadecimal string.

The method uses the hex library to encode the byte list into a hexadecimal string. It allows customization of the string's case (lowercase or uppercase) using the lowerCase parameter, and an optional prefix string can be appended to the resulting hexadecimal string.


  • dataBytes: A List of integers representing bytes to be converted.
  • lowerCase: Whether the resulting hexadecimal string should be in lowercase (default is true).
  • prefix: An optional string to append as a prefix to the hexadecimal string.


  • A hexadecimal string representation of dataBytes.


static String toHexString(List<int> dataBytes,
    {bool lowerCase = true, String? prefix}) {
  final String toHex = hex.hex.encode(dataBytes, lowerCase);
  return "${prefix ?? ''}$toHex";