decode static method
Decode the provided Monero Base58 encoded dataStr
into a BytesData of dataBytes.
Throws a Base58ChecksumError if the checksum is invalid.
static List<int> decode(String dataStr) {
List<int> dec = List.empty();
/// Get lengths
final dataLen = dataStr.length;
const blockDecLen = Base58XmrConst.blockDecMaxByteLen;
const blockEncLen = Base58XmrConst.blockEncMaxByteLen;
/// Compute block count and last block length
final totBlockCnt = dataLen ~/ blockEncLen;
final lastBlockEncLen = dataLen % blockEncLen;
/// Get last block decoded length
final lastBlockDecLen =
/// Decode each single block and unpad
for (var i = 0; i < totBlockCnt; i++) {
final blockDec = Base58Decoder.decode(
dataStr.substring(i * blockEncLen, (i + 1) * blockEncLen));
dec = List<int>.from([...dec, ..._unPad(blockDec, blockDecLen)]);
/// Decode last block and unpad
if (lastBlockEncLen > 0) {
final blockDec = Base58Decoder.decode(dataStr.substring(
totBlockCnt * blockEncLen,
totBlockCnt * blockEncLen + lastBlockEncLen));
dec = List<int>.from([...dec, ..._unPad(blockDec, lastBlockDecLen)]);
return dec;