decode static method
Decode the provided Base32 string into a List
static List<int> decode(String data, [String? customAlphabet]) {
try {
/// Add padding characters to the input data as needed.
data = _Base32Utils.addPadding(data);
/// If a custom alphabet is specified, translate the input data to the standard Base32 alphabet.
if (customAlphabet != null) {
data = _Base32Utils.translateAlphabet(
data, customAlphabet, _Base32Const.alphabet);
/// Decode the Base32 string and obtain the decoded bytes.
final decodedBytes = _Base32Utils._b32decode(_Base32Const.alphabet, data);
/// Return the decoded bytes as a List<int>.
return List<int>.from(decodedBytes);
} catch (ex) {
/// Handle exceptions by throwing an error for invalid Base32 strings.
throw ArgumentException('Invalid Base32 string');