encodeKey method
Blockchain address encoder for Ada Shelley addresses. This encoder is used to create addresses based on public and private key pairs.
String encodeKey(List<int> pubKey, [Map<String, dynamic> kwargs = const {}]) {
/// Validate the provided address arguments.
AddrKeyValidator.validateAddressArgs<List<int>>(kwargs, "pub_skey");
/// Extract the public spending key (pub_skey) from the arguments.
final List<int> pubSkey = kwargs["pub_skey"];
/// Determine the network tag, defaulting to mainnet if not specified.
final netTag = kwargs["net_tag"] ?? AdaShelleyAddrNetworkTags.mainnet;
/// Check if the provided network tag is a valid enum value.
if (netTag is! AdaShelleyAddrNetworkTags) {
throw ArgumentException(
'Address type is not an enumerative of AdaShelleyAddrNetworkTags');
/// Validate and retrieve public keys.
final pubKeyObj = AddrKeyValidator.validateAndGetEd25519Key(pubKey);
final pubSkeyObj = AddrKeyValidator.validateAndGetEd25519Key(pubSkey);
// Compute key hashes for public spending and public delegation keys.
final pubKeyHash =
final pubSkeyHash =
/// Encode the address prefix using the header type and network tag.
final prefixByte = _AdaShelleyAddrUtils.encodePrefix(
AdaShelleyAddrHeaderTypes.payment, netTag.value);
/// Create the final address by combining prefix, public key hashes, and spending key hash.
return Bech32Encoder.encode(
List<int>.from([...prefixByte, ...pubKeyHash, ...pubSkeyHash]));