decodeAddr method
Decodes an Ada Byron address and returns its components.
The addr
parameter is the Ada Byron address to decode.
The optional kwargs
parameter is a map of additional arguments, where "addr_type" can be set to
specify the address type (default is AdaByronAddrTypes.publicKey
Returns a List<int> representing the decoded address components, including root hash and HD path if available.
Throws an ArgumentException if the provided address type is invalid or if the address type in the decoded address does not match the expected type.
List<int> decodeAddr(String addr, [Map<String, dynamic> kwargs = const {}]) {
final addrType = kwargs["addr_type"] ?? AdaByronAddrTypes.publicKey;
if (addrType is! AdaByronAddrTypes) {
throw ArgumentException(
'Address type is not an enumerative of AdaByronAddrTypes');
final decAddr = _AdaByronAddr.decode(addr);
if (decAddr.payload.type != addrType) {
throw ArgumentException('Invalid address type');
return List<int>.from([
if (decAddr.payload.attrs.hdPathEncBytes != null)