encrypt method

String encrypt({
  1. SecretWalletEncoding encoding = SecretWalletEncoding.json,

Encrypts the private key using the secret specified earlier and returns a json representation of its data as a v3-wallet file.


String encrypt({SecretWalletEncoding encoding = SecretWalletEncoding.json}) {
  final ciphertextBytes = _encryptPrivateKey();

  final map = {
    'crypto': {
      'cipher': 'aes-128-ctr',
      'cipherparams': {'iv': bytesToHex(_iv)},
      'ciphertext': bytesToHex(ciphertextBytes),
      'kdf': _derivator.name,
      'kdfparams': _derivator.encode(),
      'mac': _generateMac(_derivator.deriveKey(_password), ciphertextBytes),
    'id': uuid,
    'version': 3,
  final toString = json.encode(map);
  if (encoding == SecretWalletEncoding.json) {
    return toString;
  return base64Encode(utf8.encode(toString));