SecretWallet.encode constructor
Creates a new wallet wrapping the specified credentials
by encrypting
the private key with the password
You can configure the parameter N of the scrypt algorithm if you need to.
The default value for scryptN
is 8192. Be aware that this N must be a
power of two.
using a separate thread for encode or decode secret wallet.
factory SecretWallet.encode(
String credentials,
String password, {
int scryptN = 8192,
int p = 1,
}) {
final passwordBytes = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(password));
/// Generate a random salt for key derivation.
final salt = generateRandom(size: 32);
/// Create a Scrypt key derivator with specified parameters.
final derivator = _ScryptKeyDerivator(32, scryptN, 8, p, salt);
/// Generate a random UUID and convert it to a buffer.
final uuid = UUID.toBuffer(UUID.generateUUIDv4());
/// Generate a random initialization vector (IV) for encryption.
final iv = generateRandom(size: 128 ~/ 8);
/// Create a SecretWallet instance with the provided parameters.
return SecretWallet._(credentials, derivator, passwordBytes, iv, uuid);