intFromBytes function
Convert a list of bytes to an integer with the specified endianness. This function takes a list of bytes 'bytes' and an 'endian' parameter indicating the byte order (Endian.little or Endian.big), and converts the bytes into an integer. It supports byte lengths of 1, 2, and 4 bytes, and throws an error for unsupported lengths. If 'bytes' is empty, it raises an ArgumentError.
int intFromBytes(List<int> bytes, Endian endian) {
if (bytes.isEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError("Input bytes should not be empty");
/// Create a Uint8List from the input bytes.
final buffer = Uint8List.fromList(bytes);
/// Create a ByteData view from the Uint8List.
final byteData = ByteData.sublistView(buffer);
/// Use a switch statement to handle different byte lengths.
switch (bytes.length) {
case 1:
return byteData.getInt8(0);
case 2:
return byteData.getInt16(0, endian);
case 4:
return byteData.getInt32(0, endian);
throw ArgumentError("Unsupported byte length: ${bytes.length}");