encodeBigInt function

Uint8List encodeBigInt(
  1. BigInt number

Encode a BigInt into a Uint8List. This function takes a BigInt integer and encodes it into a Uint8List representation, considering necessary padding and byte order.


Uint8List encodeBigInt(BigInt number) {
  int needsPaddingByte;
  int rawSize;

  /// Determine the raw size of the encoding and whether a padding byte is needed.
  if (number > BigInt.zero) {
    rawSize = (number.bitLength + 7) >> 3;
    needsPaddingByte =
        ((number >> (rawSize - 1) * 8) & BigInt.from(0x80)) == BigInt.from(0x80)
            ? 1
            : 0;

    /// Ensure that a padding byte is added if the raw size is less than 32 bytes.
    if (rawSize < 32) {
      needsPaddingByte = 1;
  } else {
    needsPaddingByte = 0;
    rawSize = (number.bitLength + 8) >> 3;

  /// Calculate the final size of the Uint8List.
  final size = rawSize < 32 ? rawSize + needsPaddingByte : rawSize;

  /// Initialize the result Uint8List.
  var result = Uint8List(size);

  /// Encode the BigInt into the Uint8List while considering byte order.
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    result[size - i - 1] = (number & BigInt.from(0xff)).toInt();
    number = number >> 8;

  return result;