convertBits function
Convert a list of integers from one bit size to another. This function takes a list of integers, 'data', and converts them from a given 'fromBits' size to a 'toBits' size, optionally padding the output list. It returns a new list of integers with the converted values or null if conversion is not possible due to invalid input.
List<int>? convertBits(List<int> data, int fromBits, int toBits,
{bool pad = true}) {
int acc = 0;
/// Accumulator to store intermediate values.
int bits = 0;
/// Number of bits in 'acc' that are valid.
List<int> ret = [];
/// Resulting list of converted integers.
int maxv = (1 << toBits) - 1;
/// Maximum value that can fit in 'toBits' bits.
int maxAcc = (1 << (fromBits + toBits - 1)) - 1;
/// Maximum accumulator value.
/// Iterate through each value in the input 'data'.
for (int value in data) {
/// Check for invalid values.
if (value < 0 || (value >> fromBits) > 0) {
return null;
/// Update the accumulator with the new value and maintain 'bits'.
acc = ((acc << fromBits) | value) & maxAcc;
bits += fromBits;
/// Extract and add full 'toBits' sized values to the result.
while (bits >= toBits) {
bits -= toBits;
ret.add((acc >> bits) & maxv);
/// Optionally pad the result if 'pad' is true.
if (pad) {
if (bits > 0) {
ret.add((acc << (toBits - bits)) & maxv);
} else {
/// Check for potential invalid padding or remaining bits.
if (bits >= fromBits || ((acc << (toBits - bits)) & maxv) > 0) {
return null;
/// Return the converted list of integers.
return ret;