generateTweek function
This function generates a tweaked private key from a private key and a tweak. It performs validation checks and returns the tweaked private key as a Uint8List. If the inputs are invalid or the resulting tweaked private key is invalid, it returns null.
Uint8List? generateTweek(Uint8List point, Uint8List tweak) {
/// Check if 'point' is a valid private key; if not, raise an error.
if (!isPrivate(point)) {
throw ArgumentError("Bad Private");
/// Check if 'tweak' is a valid scalar; if not, raise an error.
if (!isOrderScalar(tweak)) {
throw ArgumentError("Bad Tweek");
/// Decode 'point' and 'tweak' into BigInt values.
BigInt dd = decodeBigInt(point);
BigInt tt = decodeBigInt(tweak);
/// Calculate the new private key by adding 'dd' and 'tt', and take the result modulo 'n'.
BigInt newPrivateKey = (dd + tt) % n;
/// Encode the new private key as a Uint8List.
Uint8List dt = encodeBigInt(newPrivateKey);
/// Ensure that the resulting 'dt' has a length of at least 32 bytes.
if (dt.length < 32) {
Uint8List padLeadingZero = Uint8List(32 - dt.length);
dt = Uint8List.fromList(padLeadingZero + dt);
/// Check if the resulting 'dt' is a valid private key; if not, return null.
if (!isPrivate(dt)) {
return null;
/// Return the valid tweaked private key as a Uint8List.
return dt;