decodeBech32 function

Bech32Result? decodeBech32(
  1. String address, {
  2. bool versifyVersion = true,

Function to decode a Bech32-encoded string into its version and data.


Bech32Result? decodeBech32(String address, {bool versifyVersion = true}) {
  final decodeBech = _bech32Decode(address);
  if (decodeBech == null) return null;
  final data = decodeBech.$2;
  final bits = convertBits(data.sublist(1), 5, 8, pad: false);
  if (bits == null || bits.length < 2 || bits.length > 40) {
    return null;
  if (data[0] > 16) {
    return null;
  if (data[0] == 0 && bits.length != 20 && bits.length != 32) {
    return null;
  if (versifyVersion) {
    final spec = decodeBech.$3;
    if (data[0] == 0 && spec != Bech32Type.bech32 ||
        data[0] != 0 && spec != Bech32Type.bech32M) {
      return null;
  return Bech32Result(
      data: Uint8List.fromList(bits), hrp: decodeBech.$1, version: data[0]);