base58/base58 library

Base58 Encoding and Decoding Library

This library provides functions for encoding and decoding data using the Base58 encoding scheme. Base58 is commonly used in blockchain applications, such as Bitcoin and Ripple, for encoding binary data into a human-readable format.

Modules and Exports:

  • encodeCheck, decodeCheck: Exported from 'package:blockchain_utils/base58/impl/bacse58_check.dart'. These functions provide Base58 encoding and decoding with checksums, which are often used in blockchain addresses and data encoding.

  • encode, decode, ripple, bitcoin: Exported from 'package:blockchain_utils/base58/impl/base58.dart'. These functions provide basic Base58 encoding and decoding, along with implementations specific to Ripple and Bitcoin Base58 encoding schemes.


bitcoin → const String
Define the BITCOIN (BTC) base58 alphabet.
ripple → const String
Define the Ripple (XRP) base58 alphabet.


decode(String string, {String alphabet = bitcoin}) Uint8List
Decode a string into Uint8List data using the specified alphabet.
decodeCheck(String string, {String alphabet = bs58.bitcoin}) Uint8List
Decode a base58check-encoded string into a Uint8List payload.
encode(Uint8List source, {String alphabet = bitcoin}) String
Encode Uint8List data into a string using the specified alphabet.
encodeCheck(Uint8List bytes, {String alphabet = bs58.bitcoin}) String
Encode data and add checksum for error detection (used in Bitcoin).