buildLoadingOverlay method
Wraps a child widget with a loading overlay that can be shown or hidden based on a loading state.
This method uses a BlocBuilder with CommonBloc to reactively show or hide a loading overlay based on the loading state for a specific key.
: The main content widget to be displayed.loadingKey
: A unique identifier for the loading state. Defaults to
: An optional custom widget to show when loading. If not provided, it uses the default loading indicator.
The method creates a stack with the child widget and an animated loading overlay. The overlay's visibility is controlled by the loading state in CommonBloc.
Widget buildPage(BuildContext context) {
return buildLoadingOverlay(
child: YourPageContent(),
loadingKey:, // Optional, this is the default
loadingWidget: CustomLoadingWidget(), // Optional
Note: Ensure that CommonBloc is available in the widget tree and that loading states are properly managed using the specified loadingKey.
Widget buildLoadingOverlay(
{required Widget child,
String? loadingKey =,
Widget? loadingWidget}) {
return BlocBuilder<CommonBloc, CommonState>(
buildWhen: (previous, current) =>
previous.isLoading(loadingKey!) != current.isLoading(loadingKey),
builder: (context, state) {
return Stack(
children: [
if (state.isLoading(loadingKey!))
opacity: state.isLoading(loadingKey) ? 1.0 : 0.0,
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
curve: Curves.easeInOut,
child: loadingWidget ?? buildPageLoading(),