Collection of useful tools for BLoC and Cubit development in Dart

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  • AsyncTransformerCubit - Wrapper cubit that takes an input cubit and asynchronously transforms its state and produces a transformed output state.
  • BlocBusyWrapper - Wrapper mixin adds 'busy state' processing to an input bloc or cubit, so you can tell if a cubit is performing a state-modifying operation.
  • BlocMapCubit - Streaming container cubit that is a map from some immutable key to a some other cubit's output state.
  • BlocToolsExtension - Extension methods to make common operations on blocs easier.
  • FutureCubit - Simple base class for a cubit that initialized based on the result of a Future.
  • StateMapFollower - Mixin that automatically keeps two blocs/cubits in sync with each other. Useful for having a BlocMapCubit 'follow' the state of another input cubit.
  • StreamWrapperCubit - Simple base class to wrap a stream of states with a Cubit.
  • TransformerCubit - Wrapper cubit that takes an input cubit and transforms its state and produces a transformed output state.


BLoC Advanced Tools