BlinkIdOverlaySettings class

Class for setting up BlinkId overlay. BlinkId overlay is best suited for recognizers that perform ID document scanning.

  • @JsonSerializable()


BlinkIdOverlaySettings.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


androidCameraResolutionPreset AndroidCameraResolutionPreset
Defines possible Android device camera video resolution preset.
getter/setter pair
backSideScanningTimeoutMilliseconds int
Option to configure back side scanning timeout.
getter/setter pair
country String?
(optional) to be used with language variable, it defines the country locale example: "US" to use "en_US" on Android and en-US on iOS
getter/setter pairoverride
enableAndroidLegacyCameraApi bool
Option to set whether legacy camera API should be used even on Lollipop devices that support newer Camera2 API. WARNING: This setting should only be used if the new Camera2 API is not working on the device. This setting should not be applied on all devices. Default: false
getter/setter pair
enableBeep bool
whether beep sound will be played on successful scan false by default
getter/setter pairinherited
errorBlurDetected String?
String: instructions for the user when blur has been detected on the document. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
errorDocumentTooCloseToEdge String?
Instructions for the user to move the document from the edge. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
errorGlareDetected String?
String: instructions for the user when glare has been detected on the document. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
errorMoveCloser String?
String: instructions for the user to move the document closer. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
errorMoveFarther String?
String: instructions for the user to move the document farther. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
firstSideInstructionsText String?
String: message that is shown while scanning first side of the document. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
flipInstructions String?
String: instructions to flip document, shown when scanning of the first side is done, before scanning the second side of the document. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
iosCameraResolutionPreset iOSCameraResolutionPreset
Defines possible iOS device camera video resolution preset.
getter/setter pair
language String?
(optional) if default overlay contains textual information, text will be localized to this language. Otherwise device langauge will be used example: "en"
getter/setter pairoverride
onboardingButtonTooltipDelay int
Option to configure onboarding button tooltip delay time.
getter/setter pair
overlaySettingsType String?
type of the overlay settings object
getter/setter pairinherited
recognitionTimeoutMessage String?
String: message inside dialog, which is shown on timeout when scanning is stuck on the back document side. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
recognitionTimeoutTitle String?
String: title of the dialog, which is shown on timeout when scanning is stuck on the back document side. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
requireDocumentSidesDataMatch bool
If true, BlinkIdMultiSideRecognizer will check if sides do match when scanning is finished Default: true
getter/setter pair
retryButtonText String?
String: text of the "retry" button inside dialog, which is shown on timeout when scanning is stuck on the back document side.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scanBarcodeText String?
Message that is shown while scanning the barcode. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
showCancelButton bool
Defines whether exit (cancel) button used for cancelling the scan is shown on the screen during the scanning session.
getter/setter pair
showFlashlightWarning bool
Defines whether glare warning will be displayed when user turn on a flashlight
getter/setter pair
showIntroductionDialog bool
Define whether introduction dialog is turned on by default.
getter/setter pair
showMandatoryFieldsMissing bool
Define the configuration of the missing mandatory fields feedback during scanning. If disabled, general message is presented.
getter/setter pair
showNotSupportedDialog bool
Defines whether Document Not Supported dialog will be displayed in UI.
getter/setter pair
showOnboardingInfo bool
Define if the onboarding info element will be displayed.
getter/setter pair
showTorchButton bool
Defines whether torch button used for turning the flashlight on and off is shown on the screen during the scanning session.
getter/setter pair
sidesNotMatchingMessage String?
String: message inside dialog, which is shown when scanned document sides are not from the same document. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
sidesNotMatchingTitle String?
String: title of the dialog, which is shown when scanned document sides are not from the same document. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
unsupportedDocumentMessage String?
String: message inside dialog, which is shown when unsupported document is scanned. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
unsupportedDocumentTitle String?
String: title of the dialog, which is shown when unsupported document is scanned. If null, default value will be used.
getter/setter pair
useFrontCamera bool
whether front camera should be used instead of the default camera false by default
getter/setter pairinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.