microblink_scanner library
- BlinkCardAnonymizationSettings
- Holds the settings which control card anonymization.
- BlinkCardOverlaySettings
- Class for setting up BlinkCard overlay. BlinkCard overlay is best suited for scanning payment cards.
- BlinkCardRecognizer
- Recognizer used for scanning credit/debit cards.
- BlinkCardRecognizerResult
- Result object for BlinkCardRecognizer.
- BlinkCardSide
- Represents the card side for liveness checks
- CardNumberAnonymizationSettings
- Holds the settings which control card number anonymization.
- Date
- Represents a date extracted from image.
- DocumentLivenessCheckResult
- Represents the result of liveness checks on both sides (front and back) of a card.
- ImageExtensionFactors
- Extension factors relative to corresponding dimension of the full image. For example, upFactor and downFactor define extensions relative to image height, e.g. when upFactor is 0.5, upper image boundary will be extended for half of image's full height.
- MicroblinkScanner
- OverlaySettings
- Base class for all overlay settings objects
- Point
- Represents a point in image
- Quadrilateral
- Represents a quadrilateral location in the image
- Recognizer
- Base class for all recognizers. Recognizer is object that performs recognition of image and updates its result with data extracted from the image.
- RecognizerCollection
- RecognizerResult
- Base class for all recognizer's result objects. Recognizer result contains data extracted from the image.
- SuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer
- SuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer can wrap any other recognizer and obtain camera frame on which the other recognizer finished recognition.
- SuccessFrameGrabberRecognizerResult
- Result object for SuccessFrameGrabberRecognizer.
- AndroidCameraResolutionPreset
- Defines possible Android device camera video resolution preset
- BlinkCardAnonymizationMode
- Determines which data is anonymized in the returned recognizer result.
- BlinkCardCheckResult
- Enumerates the possible results of BlinkCard's document liveness checks.
- BlinkCardMatchLevel
- Enumerates the possible match levels indicating the strictness of a check result. Higher is stricter.
- BlinkCardProcessingStatus
- Supported BlinkCard cprocessing status.
- DataMatchState
- Result of the data matching algorithm for scanned parts/sides of the document.
- iOSCameraResolutionPreset
- Define possible iOS device camera video resolution preset
- Issuer
- Supported BlinkCard card issuer values.
- RecognizerResultState
- Possible states of the Recognizer's result