
pub package style: effective dart

Pure Dart implementations of the BLAKE2b and BLAKE2s cryptographic hashing functions.


import 'package:blake2/blake2.dart';

The blake2 library contains 3 classes: Blake2b, blake2s, and their parent class: blake2.

Both Blake2b and Blake2s can be instanced directly, accepting Uint8Lists for the key, salt and personalization parameters.

An iv can also be specified as a Uint64List or Uint32List, for Blake2b and Blake2s respectively.

All of the parameters are optional and can be left null.

The hash can be returned as a Uint8List with the digest() method, or as a String with the digestToString() method.

const String key = '7a546d0acf4f30d371c505f32548c867';
const String salt = '39b69017';
const String personalization = '4d97847f';

final Blake2b blake2b = Blake2b(
  key: Uint8List.fromList(key.codeUnits),
  salt: Uint8List.fromList(salt.codeUnits),
  personalization: Uint8List.fromList(personalization.codeUnits),


// Prints: [179, 80, 231, 226, 92, 124, 89, 99, 133, 217, 254, 167, 78, 189, 21, 254, 209, 126, 124, 142, 180, 193, 37, 196, 83, 167, 106, 44, 107, 178, 135, 23]


// Prints: “Ó˜‹Zêœ]ג8ƒ£ÛU]ÚÙ¬DÛ!;s¶„Ø

blake2b.update(Uint8List.fromList([110, 101, 119, 32, 100, 97, 116, 97]));


// Prints: {é2¾ë];²à&Õ½BXNŒ¼ý(³ö(î&?½ND_

Each class also has a static method fromStrings(), that accepts the key, salt, and personalization parameters as Strings, and a method updateWithString() to add additional data as a String.

final Blake2s blake2s = Blake2s.fromStrings(
  key: '2805f1ad825b3489dae4c5526014c1ed',
  salt: '8d6efe2c',
  personalization: 'e9f6def7',


// Prints: Ãɚ؍NP™nû·Ì‡÷Eæüç™-SºØ·Ò=ëˆik

blake2s.updateWithString('new data');


// Prints: ßlF‚©óþ;•+®Ð¸BaðŪ_#‘Y¥\Ž–²p

