sharedMotif method

String sharedMotif({
  1. required Sequence oSeq,

Returns the longest shared motif between this sequence and oSeq.


String sharedMotif({required Sequence oSeq}) {
  if (this._type != oSeq.type) {
    Errors.unequalSeqTypes(func: 'sharedMotif');
  // Return all possible combinates of this sequence sorted from longest to shortest.
  List<String> combos = combinations(sorted: true);

  String longestShared = '';

  for (var comb in combos) {
    // Assume the combination is contained in the other sequence unless set otherwise.
    bool isMatch = true;
    if (!oSeq.seq.contains(comb)) {
      // The combination is not contained in the other sequence.
      isMatch = false;
    if (isMatch) {
      // The combination must be present in the other sequence.
      // Because the combinations were sorted from longest to
      // shortest, this must be the longest shared motif.
      longestShared = comb;
  return longestShared;