
Performant key-value store using file system in pure Dart, secured support.

Getting Started

To get started, simply import the binary_map_file package:

import "dart:io";
import 'package:binary_map_file/binary_map_file.dart';

final file = File(path),
final binaryMapFile = BinaryMapFile(file, secured: false); 
await binaryMapFile.ensureInitialized();
// if you want a secured serialization, set the flag secured to `true`

final map =;

Get value

Get the bool value for key firstRun, if the key is not set or null, then reset the value in map to default value and return gotten value

final firstRun = binaryMapFile.getDefaultValue<bool>('firstRun' , true); //  
// or 
final value = binaryMapFile.getValue<bool>('firstRun'); // boolean or null

Set value

binaryMapFile.setValue<bool>('firstRun', false);

Check containing key

final existed = binaryMapFile.containsKey('firstRun');


Save the current map to file

await binaryMapFile.serialize();

Supported data types

Support all data types which MessageCodec using the Flutter standard binary encoding.

Supported messages are acyclic values of these forms:


This library is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use it and contribute to its development.

Made with ❤️ by Annotium