BinaryInt8List extension

A collection of binary methods to be applied to elements of Int8List.

The methods here are roughly the same as those on BinaryInt, except that they operate on an index of the underlying list, and infer the length property based on the data type of the underlying list (i.e. Int8List has a length of 8).

See BinaryList for more extension methods that operate on any List<int>.



countSetBits(int index) int
Returns BinaryInt.countSetBits applied to the index-th int.
getBoxed(int index) Int8
Returns the index-th int boxed as a Int8.
msb(int index) bool
Returns BinaryInt.msb applied to the index-th int.
signedRightShift(int index, int n) int
Returns the index-th int right-shifted by n.