This package aims to simplify the signature creation process for binance api. The package takes any type of parameter and creates the signature before making the http call to the binance api.


This package help you to manage the http connetion to binance api. It create the signature and do the http calls.

Supported http methods:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

All the methods return a http.Response type from which you can easily get the json decoded model.

Getting started

no particular preconditions are required. The package only needs the http package to work. You can add http to your dependecies in this way:

  http: ^0.13.3


How to use example:

  BinanceApi binanceApi = BinanceApi(apiKey: '<YOUR_API_KEY>', privateKey: '<YOUR_API_KEY>', baseUrl: '');

  // http get example
  Map<String, String> getParameters = Map();
  getParameters['symbol'] = 'BTC/USDT';
  getParameters['interval'] = '5m';

  binanceApi.getHttp('/fapi/v1/markPriceKlines', getParameters);

  // http post example
  Map<String, String> postParameters = Map();
  getParameters['symbol'] = 'BTC/USDT';
  getParameters['side'] = 'BUY';
  getParameters['type'] = 'LIMIT';

  binanceApi.postHttp('/fapi/v1/order', postParameters);

  // http put example
  Map<String, String> putParameters = Map();

  binanceApi.postHttp('/fapi/v1/listenKey', putParameters);

  // http delete example
  Map<String, String> deleteParameters = Map();

  binanceApi.postHttp('/fapi/v1/listenKey', putParameters);

  //json decoding
  binanceApi.getHttp('/fapi/v1/markPriceKlines', getParameters).then((response){
    dynamic decoded = json.decode(response.body);

Additional information

This is a very new project, contributions indications coming soon....

