selection property

dynamic selection


external dynamic
   * Set data selection enabled
   * If this option is set true, we can select the data points and get/set its state of selection by API (e.g. select, unselect, selected).
  enabled?: boolean;

   * Set grouped selection enabled.
   * If this option set true, multiple data points that have same x value will be selected by one selection.
  grouped?: boolean;

   * Set multiple data points selection enabled.
   * If this option set true, multile data points can have the selected state at the same time.
   * If false set, only one data point can have the selected state and the others will be unselected when the new data point is selected.
  multiple?: boolean;

   * Enable to select data points by dragging. If this option set true, data points can be selected by dragging.
   * NOTE: If this option set true, scrolling on the chart will be disabled because dragging event will handle the event.
  draggable?: boolean;

   * Set a callback for each data point to determine if it's selectable or not.
   * The callback will receive d as an argument and it has some parameters like id, value, index. This callback should return boolean.
   * @param d Data object
  isselectable?(this: Chart, d?: any): boolean;
    get selection;
void selection=(dynamic v)


external set selection(
   * Set data selection enabled
   * If this option is set true, we can select the data points and get/set its state of selection by API (e.g. select, unselect, selected).
  enabled?: boolean;

   * Set grouped selection enabled.
   * If this option set true, multiple data points that have same x value will be selected by one selection.
  grouped?: boolean;

   * Set multiple data points selection enabled.
   * If this option set true, multile data points can have the selected state at the same time.
   * If false set, only one data point can have the selected state and the others will be unselected when the new data point is selected.
  multiple?: boolean;

   * Enable to select data points by dragging. If this option set true, data points can be selected by dragging.
   * NOTE: If this option set true, scrolling on the chart will be disabled because dragging event will handle the event.
  draggable?: boolean;

   * Set a callback for each data point to determine if it's selectable or not.
   * The callback will receive d as an argument and it has some parameters like id, value, index. This callback should return boolean.
   * @param d Data object
  isselectable?(this: Chart, d?: any): boolean;