render property

dynamic render

Control the render timing


external dynamic
   * Make to not render at initialization (enabled by default when bind element's visibility is hidden).
  lazy?: boolean;

   * Observe bind element's visibility(`display` or `visiblity` inline css property or class value) & render when is visible automatically (for IEs, only works IE11+).
   * When set to **false**, call [`.flush()`](./Chart.html#flush) to render.
  observe?: boolean;
    get render;
void render=(dynamic v)


external set render(
   * Make to not render at initialization (enabled by default when bind element's visibility is hidden).
  lazy?: boolean;

   * Observe bind element's visibility(`display` or `visiblity` inline css property or class value) & render when is visible automatically (for IEs, only works IE11+).
   * When set to **false**, call [`.flush()`](./Chart.html#flush) to render.
  observe?: boolean;