radar property

dynamic radar


external dynamic
  axis?: {
     * The max value of axis. If not given, it'll take the max value from the given data.
    max?: number;

    line?: {
       * Show or hide axis line.
      show?: boolean;

    text?: {
      position?: {
         * x coordinate position, relative the original
        x?: number;

         * y coordinate position, relative the original
        y?: number;

       * Show or hide axis text.
      show?: boolean;

  direction?: {
     * Set the direction to be drawn.
    clockwise: boolean;

  level?: {
     * Set the level depth.
    depth?: number;

     * Show or hide level.
    show?: boolean;

    text?: {
       * Set format function for the level value.
      format?: (this: Chart, x: string) => string;

       * Show or hide level text.
      show?: boolean;

  size?: {
     * Set size ratio.
    ratio?: number;
    get radar;
void radar=(dynamic v)


external set radar(
  axis?: {
     * The max value of axis. If not given, it'll take the max value from the given data.
    max?: number;

    line?: {
       * Show or hide axis line.
      show?: boolean;

    text?: {
      position?: {
         * x coordinate position, relative the original
        x?: number;

         * y coordinate position, relative the original
        y?: number;

       * Show or hide axis text.
      show?: boolean;

  direction?: {
     * Set the direction to be drawn.
    clockwise: boolean;

  level?: {
     * Set the level depth.
    depth?: number;

     * Show or hide level.
    show?: boolean;

    text?: {
       * Set format function for the level value.
      format?: (this: Chart, x: string) => string;

       * Show or hide level text.
      show?: boolean;

  size?: {
     * Set size ratio.
    ratio?: number;