gauge property

dynamic gauge


external dynamic
   * Set background color. (The `.bb-chart-arcs-background` element)
  background?: string;

   * Whether this should be displayed
   * as a full circle instead of a
   * half circle.
  fullCircle?: boolean;

  label?: {
     * Show or hide label on gauge.
    show?: boolean;

     * Set formatter for the label on gauge.
    format?(this: Chart, value: any, ratio: number): string;

     * Set customized min/max label text.
    extents?(this: Chart, value: number, isMax: boolean): string | number;

     * Set threshold ratio to show/hide labels.
    threshold?: number;

   * Enable or disable expanding gauge pieces.
    | boolean
    | {
         * Set expand transition time in ms.
        duration?: number;

         * Set expand rate.
        rate?: number;

   * Set type of the gauge.
  type?: GaugeTypes;

   * Set min value of the gauge.
  min?: number;

   * Set max value of the gauge.
  max?: number;

   * Set starting angle where data draws.
  startingAngle?: number;

   * Set title of gauge chart. Use `\n` character to enter line break.
  title?: string;

   * Set units of the gauge.
  units?: string;

   * Set width of gauge chart.
  width?: number;

   * Set minimal width of gauge arcs until the innerRadius disappears.
  arcs?: {
    minWidth: number;

   * Set the length of the arc to be drawn in percent from -100 to 100.
   * Negative value will draw the arc **counterclockwise**.
  arcLength?: number;
    get gauge;
void gauge=(dynamic v)


external set gauge(
   * Set background color. (The `.bb-chart-arcs-background` element)
  background?: string;

   * Whether this should be displayed
   * as a full circle instead of a
   * half circle.
  fullCircle?: boolean;

  label?: {
     * Show or hide label on gauge.
    show?: boolean;

     * Set formatter for the label on gauge.
    format?(this: Chart, value: any, ratio: number): string;

     * Set customized min/max label text.
    extents?(this: Chart, value: number, isMax: boolean): string | number;

     * Set threshold ratio to show/hide labels.
    threshold?: number;

   * Enable or disable expanding gauge pieces.
    | boolean
    | {
         * Set expand transition time in ms.
        duration?: number;

         * Set expand rate.
        rate?: number;

   * Set type of the gauge.
  type?: GaugeTypes;

   * Set min value of the gauge.
  min?: number;

   * Set max value of the gauge.
  max?: number;

   * Set starting angle where data draws.
  startingAngle?: number;

   * Set title of gauge chart. Use `\n` character to enter line break.
  title?: string;

   * Set units of the gauge.
  units?: string;

   * Set width of gauge chart.
  width?: number;

   * Set minimal width of gauge arcs until the innerRadius disappears.
  arcs?: {
    minWidth: number;

   * Set the length of the arc to be drawn in percent from -100 to 100.
   * Negative value will draw the arc **counterclockwise**.
  arcLength?: number;