color property

dynamic color


external dynamic
   * Set custom color pattern.
   * Passing 'null' will not set a color for these elements, which requires the usage of custom CSS-based theming to work.
  pattern?: Array<string | null>;

   * color threshold for gauge and tooltip color
  threshold?: {
     * If set to value, the threshold will be based on the data value.
     * Otherwise it'll be based on equation of the threshold.max option value.
    unit?: string;

     * Threshold values for each steps
    values?: number[];

     * The base value to determine threshold step value condition.
     * When the given value is 15 and max 10, then the value for threshold is 15*100/10
    max?: number;

   * if defined, allows use svg's patterns to fill data area. It should return an array of SVGPatternElement.
   * - NOTE: The pattern element's id will be defined as bb-colorize-pattern-$COLOR-VALUE.
   *   ex. When color pattern value is ['red', '#fff'] and defined 2 patterns,then ids for pattern elements are:
   *   - bb-colorize-pattern-red
   *   - bb-colorize-pattern-fff
  tiles?: (this: Chart) => SVGPathElement[];

   * Set the color value for each data point when mouse/touch onover event occurs.
    | string
    | { [key: string]: string }
    | ((this: Chart, d: DataItem) => string);
    get color;
void color=(dynamic v)


external set color(
   * Set custom color pattern.
   * Passing 'null' will not set a color for these elements, which requires the usage of custom CSS-based theming to work.
  pattern?: Array<string | null>;

   * color threshold for gauge and tooltip color
  threshold?: {
     * If set to value, the threshold will be based on the data value.
     * Otherwise it'll be based on equation of the threshold.max option value.
    unit?: string;

     * Threshold values for each steps
    values?: number[];

     * The base value to determine threshold step value condition.
     * When the given value is 15 and max 10, then the value for threshold is 15*100/10
    max?: number;

   * if defined, allows use svg's patterns to fill data area. It should return an array of SVGPatternElement.
   * - NOTE: The pattern element's id will be defined as bb-colorize-pattern-$COLOR-VALUE.
   *   ex. When color pattern value is ['red', '#fff'] and defined 2 patterns,then ids for pattern elements are:
   *   - bb-colorize-pattern-red
   *   - bb-colorize-pattern-fff
  tiles?: (this: Chart) => SVGPathElement[];

   * Set the color value for each data point when mouse/touch onover event occurs.
    | string
    | { [key: string]: string }
    | ((this: Chart, d: DataItem) => string);