Data class abstract

  • @anonymous
  • @JS()




axes ↔ dynamic
Set y axis the data related to. y and y2 can be used.
getter/setter pair
classes ↔ dynamic
Set custom data class. If this option is specified, the element g for the data has an additional class that has the prefix billboard-target- (e.g. billboard-target-additional-data1-class).
getter/setter pair
colors ↔ dynamic
Set color for each data.
getter/setter pair
columns List<List>
Load data from a multidimensional array, with each element containing an array consisting of a datum name and associated data values.
getter/setter pair
empty ↔ dynamic
Set text label to be displayed when there's no data to show.
getter/setter pair
filter bool Function(List)
getter/setter pair
groups List<List<String>>
Set groups for the data for stacking.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headers List
XHR header value
getter/setter pair
hide ↔ dynamic
Hide each data when the chart appears. If true specified, all of data will be hidden. If multiple ids specified as an array, those will be hidden.
getter/setter pair
idConverter String Function(String)
Converts data id value
getter/setter pair
json ↔ dynamic
Parse a JSON object for data.
getter/setter pair
keys ↔ dynamic
Choose which JSON object keys correspond to desired data.
getter/setter pair
labels ↔ dynamic
Show labels on each data points or set formatter function for data labels. The formatter function receives 4 arguments such as v, id, i, j and it must return a string that will be shown as the label. The arguments are:
getter/setter pair
mimeType String
Used if loading JSON via data.url
getter/setter pair
names ↔ dynamic
Set custom data name.
getter/setter pair
order ↔ dynamic
Define the order of the data. This option changes the order of stacking the data and pieces of pie/donut. If null specified, it will be the order the data loaded. If function specified, it will be used to sort the data and it will recieve the data as argument.
getter/setter pair
regions ↔ dynamic
Define regions for each data. The values must be an array for each data and it should include an object that has start, end, style. If start is not set, the start will be the first data point. If end is not set, the end will be the last data point. Currently this option supports only line chart and dashed style. If this option specified, the line will be dashed only in the regions.
getter/setter pair
rows List<List>
Load data from a multidimensional array, with the first element containing the data names, the following containing related data in that order.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selection ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
stack ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
type String
Set chart type at once. If this option is specified, the type will be applied to every data. This setting can be overwritten by data.types.
getter/setter pair
types ↔ dynamic
Set chart type for each data. This setting overwrites data.type setting.
getter/setter pair
unload ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
url String
Load a CSV or JSON file from a URL. Note that this will not work if loading via the "file://" protocol as most browsers with block XMLHTTPRequests.
getter/setter pair
x String
Specify the key of x values in the data. We can show the data with non-index x values by th is option. This option is required when the type of x axis is timeseries. If this option is set on category axis, the values of the data on the key will be used for category names.
getter/setter pair
xFormat String
Set a format to parse string specifed as x. Default is %Y-%m-%d
getter/setter pair
xLocaltime bool
Set localtime format to parse x axis.
getter/setter pair
xs ↔ dynamic
Specify the keys of the x values for each data. This option can be used if we want to show the data that has different x values.
getter/setter pair
xSort bool
Sort on x axis.
getter/setter pair


color(String color, DataItem d) String
Set color converter function. This option should a function and the specified function receives color (e.g. '#ff0000') and d that has data parameters like id, value, index, etc. And it must return a string that represents color (e.g. '#00ff00').
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onclick(DataItem d, SvgElement element) → void
Set a callback for click event on each data point. This callback will be called when each data point clicked and will receive d and element as the arguments.
onmax(List<DataItem> d) → void
Set a callback for maximum data
onmin(List<DataItem> d) → void
Set a callback for minimum data
onout(DataItem d, [SvgElement element]) → void
Set a callback for mouse/touch event on each data point. This callback will be called when mouse cursor moves out each data point and will receive d as the argument.
onover(DataItem d, [SvgElement element]) → void
Set a callback for mouse/touch over event on each data point. This callback will be called when mouse cursor or via touch moves onto each data point and will receive d as the argument.
onselected(DataItem d, [SvgElement element]) → void
Set a callback for on data selection.
onunselected(DataItem d, [SvgElement element]) → void
Set a callback for on data un-selection.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.