initialize static method

Future<void> initialize(
  1. String biometricAskPrompt, {
  2. List<String>? allowedDomains = const <String>[],
  3. Future<Function>? logger,

Initialize and configure the Beyond Identity Embedded SDK.

allowedDomains Optional array of domains that we whitelist against for network operations. This will default to Beyond Identity's allowed domains. biometricAskPrompt A prompt the user will see when asked for biometrics while extending a passkey to another device. logger Custom logger to get logs from the SDK. To enable logging, pass EmbeddedSdk.enableLogger, otherwise, pass null.


static Future<void> initialize(
  String biometricAskPrompt, {
  List<String>? allowedDomains = const <String>[],
  Future<Function>? logger,
}) async {
  await _channel.invokeMethod("initialize", {
    'allowedDomains': allowedDomains,
    'biometricAskPrompt': biometricAskPrompt,
    'enableLogger': logger != null,