authenticate static method

Future<AuthenticateResponse> authenticate(
  1. String url,
  2. String passkeyId

Authenticate a user.

url URL used to authenticate passkeyId The ID of the passkey with which to authenticate. Returns a AuthenticateResponse or throws an Exception


static Future<AuthenticateResponse> authenticate(
    String url, String passkeyId) async {
  final Map<String, dynamic>? authenticateResponse =
      await _channel.invokeMapMethod('authenticate', {
    'url': url,
    'passkeyId': passkeyId,

  try {
    return AuthenticateResponse(
      redirectUrl: authenticateResponse?["redirectUrl"],
      message: authenticateResponse?["message"],
      passkeyBindingToken: authenticateResponse?["passkeyBindingToken"]
  } on Exception {