MiscState constructor

  1. String? visitCount,
  2. String? title,
  3. String? message,
  4. String? phoneNumber,
  5. String? otpCode,
  6. String? pinCode,
  7. bool? acceptedTerms,
  8. List<FAQContent?>? faqList,
  9. EventState? eventState,
  10. String? defaultLocation,
  11. String? createPin,
  12. String? confirmPin,
  13. bool? invalidCredentials,
  14. bool? unKnownPhoneNo,
  15. bool? accountExists,
  16. bool? invalidPin,
  17. @JsonKey(ignore: true) Event<bool?>? startVisitFailed,
  18. String? patientSearchTerm,
  19. bool? hasCompletedEnteringOTP,
  20. bool? isResendingOTP,


factory MiscState({
  String? visitCount,
  String? title,
  String? message,
  String? phoneNumber,
  String? otpCode,
  String? pinCode,
  bool? acceptedTerms,
  List<FAQContent?>? faqList,
  EventState? eventState,

  /// [defaultLocation] the location(branch) that the user has chosen
  String? defaultLocation,

  /// [createPin] used when user is creating a PIN.
  String? createPin,

  /// [confirmPin] used when user is creating a PIN for client side validation
  String? confirmPin,

  /// [invalidCredentials] indicates the provided credentials are invalid.
  bool? invalidCredentials,

  /// [unKnownPhoneNo] indicates that the provided phone number is not known by the backend.
  bool? unKnownPhoneNo,

  /// [accountExists] a signal to the frontend that an account with the provided credentials already exists.
  bool? accountExists,

  /// [invalidPin] used when running pin verification procedure.
  bool? invalidPin,

  /// notify user when the start visit action process fails
  @JsonKey(ignore: true)
      Event<bool?>? startVisitFailed, // TODO: rename to startVisitFailedEvent

  String? patientSearchTerm,
  bool? hasCompletedEnteringOTP, // TODO: remove it is unused
  bool? isResendingOTP, // TODO: remove, it is unused
}) = _MiscState;