onboardingPath function

OnboardingPathConfig onboardingPath({
  1. required CoreState state,

Does a check on user profile on whether logged in user has bio data and partnerType and redirects accordingly


OnboardingPathConfig onboardingPath({required CoreState state}) {
  final BioData? userBio = state.userState!.userProfile!.userBioData;

  //  check the validity bio names. This check is here in the event the name as set on 'UNKNOWN'
  // which is not a valid name
  if (userBio!.firstName == null ||
      userBio.lastName == null ||
      userBio.firstName!.getValue() == UNKNOWN ||
      userBio.lastName!.getValue() == UNKNOWN) {
    return OnboardingPathConfig(userNamesRoute);

  return OnboardingPathConfig(homePageRoute);