Once class abstract




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

clear({required String key}) → void
Clear OnceBuilder cache for a specific key
clearAll() → void
Clear OnceBuilder cache for all keys
runCustom<T>(String key, {required T? callback(), T? fallback()?, required Duration duration, bool debugCallback = false, bool debugFallback = false}) Future<T?>
A generic callback that runs on a custom basis set by the user/developer by referencing a period duration
runDaily<T>(String key, {required T? callback(), T? fallback()?, bool debugCallback = false, bool debugFallback = false}) Future<T?>
A generic callback that runs on a daily basis The day here means you run the function at 3:00 AM. So, Day means the next 3:00 AM
runEvery12Hours<T>(String key, {required T? callback(), T? fallback()?, bool debugCallback = false, bool debugFallback = false}) Future<T?>
A generic callback that runs every 12 hours
runHourly<T>(String key, {required T? callback(), T? fallback()?, bool debugCallback = false, bool debugFallback = false}) Future<T?>
A generic callback that runs on an hourly basis
runMonthly<T>(String key, {required T? callback(), T? fallback()?, bool debugCallback = false, bool debugFallback = false}) Future<T?>
A generic callback that runs on an monthly basis
runOnce<T>(String key, {required T? callback(), T? fallback()?, bool debugCallback = false, bool debugFallback = false}) Future<T?>
runOnEveryNewVersion<T>({required T? callback(), T? fallback()?, bool debugCallback = false, bool debugFallback = false}) Future<T?>
A generic callback that runs each time the app version changes
runOnNewDay<T>(String key, {required T? callback(), T? fallback()?, bool debugCallback = false, bool debugFallback = false}) Future<T?>
A generic callback that runs on every new day The day here means you run the function at 3:00 AM. So, Day means the next 12:00 AM
runOnNewMonth<T>(String key, {required T? callback(), T? fallback()?, bool debugCallback = false, bool debugFallback = false}) Future<T?>
A generic callback that runs at the beginning of each month
runWeekly<T>(String key, {required T? callback(), T? fallback()?, bool debugCallback = false, bool debugFallback = false}) Future<T?>
A generic callback that runs on an weekly basis
runYearly<T>(String key, {required T? callback(), T? fallback()?, bool debugCallback = false, bool debugFallback = false}) Future<T?>
A generic callback that runs on an yearly basis