popBeamLocation method

bool popBeamLocation({
  1. Object? data,
  2. bool replaceRouteInformation = false,

Beams to previous location in beamingHistory and removes the last location from history.

If there is no previous location, does nothing.

Returns the success, whether the currentBeamLocation was changed.


bool popBeamLocation({
  Object? data,
  bool replaceRouteInformation = false,
}) {
  if (!canPopBeamLocation) {
    return false;
  _beamLocationCandidate = beamingHistory.last;
    beamParameters: currentBeamLocation.history.last.parameters.copyWith(
      transitionDelegate: beamBackTransitionDelegate,
    data: data,
    buildBeamLocation: false,
    replaceRouteInformation: replaceRouteInformation,
  return true;