BeamPage constructor

const BeamPage({
  1. required LocalKey key,
  2. String? name,
  3. required Widget child,
  4. String? title,
  5. bool onPopPage(
    1. BuildContext context,
    2. BeamerDelegate delegate,
    3. RouteInformationSerializable state,
    4. BeamPage poppedPage,
    ) = pathSegmentPop,
  6. String? popToNamed,
  7. BeamPageType type = BeamPageType.material,
  8. Route routeBuilder(
    1. BuildContext context,
    2. RouteSettings settings,
    3. Widget child
  9. bool fullScreenDialog = false,
  10. bool opaque = true,
  11. bool keepQueryOnPop = false,

Creates a BeamPage with specified properties.

child is required and typically represents a screen of the app.

key is required since Navigator needs it to tell BeamPages apart.


const BeamPage({
  required LocalKey key,
  String? name,
  required this.child,
  this.onPopPage = pathSegmentPop,
  this.type = BeamPageType.material,
  this.fullScreenDialog = false,
  this.opaque = true,
  this.keepQueryOnPop = false,
}) : super(key: key, name: name);