BeamerExtensions extension



beamLocationHistory List<BeamLocation<BeamState>>
The history of BeamLocations.
no setter
beamStateHistory List<BeamState>
The history of beaming states.
no setter
canBeamBack bool
Whether it is possible to beamBack, i.e. there is more than 1 state in beamStateHistory.
no setter
canPopBeamLocation bool
Whether it is possible to popBeamLocation, i.e. there is more than 1 location in beamLocationHistory.
no setter
currentBeamLocation BeamLocation<BeamState>
A BeamLocation that is currently responsible for providing a page stack via BeamLocation.buildPages and holds the current BeamState.
no setter
currentBeamPages List<BeamPage>
currentBeamLocation's "effective" pages, the ones that were built.
no setter


beamBack({Map<String, dynamic>? data}) → void
Beams to previous state in beamStateHistory. and removes the last state from history.
beamTo(BeamLocation<BeamState> location, {BeamLocation<BeamState>? popTo, TransitionDelegate? transitionDelegate, bool beamBackOnPop = false, bool popBeamLocationOnPop = false, bool stacked = true, bool replaceCurrent = false}) → void
Beams to a specific, manually configured BeamLocation.
beamToNamed(String uri, {Map<String, dynamic>? data, String? popToNamed, TransitionDelegate? transitionDelegate, bool beamBackOnPop = false, bool popBeamLocationOnPop = false, bool stacked = true, bool replaceCurrent = false}) → void
Beams to BeamLocation that has uri contained within its BeamLocation.pathBlueprintSegments.
popBeamLocation() → void
Beams to previous location in beamLocationHistory and removes the last location from history.
popToNamed(String uri, {Map<String, dynamic>? data, String? popToNamed, bool beamBackOnPop = false, bool popBeamLocationOnPop = false, bool stacked = true, bool replaceCurrent = false}) → void
Calls beamToNamed with a ReverseTransitionDelegate.