start method

Future<void> start()

Starts beacon advertising.

Before starting you must set _uuid. For the default layout, parameters _majorId, _minorId are also required. Other parameters as _identifier, _transmissionPower, _advertiseMode, _layout, _manufacturerId are optional.

For Android, beacon layout is by default set to AltBeacon (check more details here: AltBeacon - Transmitting as a Beacon). On Android system, it's required to have Bluetooth turn on and to give app permission to location.

For iOS, beacon is broadcasting as an iBeacon (check more details here: Turning an iOS Device into an iBeacon) Note that according to the article: "After advertising your app as a beacon, your app must continue running in the foreground to broadcast the needed Bluetooth signals. If the user quits the app, the system stops advertising the device as a peripheral over Bluetooth.


Future<void> start() async {
  if (_uuid == null || _uuid!.isEmpty) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal arguments! UUID must not be null or empty: UUID: $_uuid");

  if ((_layout == null || _layout == ALTBEACON_LAYOUT) && (_majorId == null || _minorId == null)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal arguments! MajorId and minorId must not be null or empty: "
        "majorId: $_majorId, minorId: $_minorId");

  Map params = <String, dynamic>{
    "uuid": _uuid,
    "majorId": _majorId,
    "minorId": _minorId,
    "transmissionPower": _transmissionPower,
    "advertiseMode": _advertiseMode,
    "identifier": _identifier,
    "layout": _layout,
    "manufacturerId": _manufacturerId,
    "extraData": _extraData,

  await _methodChannel.invokeMethod('start', params);