newBip84Public static method

Future<Descriptor> newBip84Public({
  1. required DescriptorPublicKey publicKey,
  2. required String fingerPrint,
  3. required Network network,
  4. required KeychainKind keychain,

BIP84 public template. Expands to wpkh(key/{0,1}/*)

This assumes that the key used has already been derived with m/84'/0'/0'.

This template requires the parent fingerprint to populate correctly the metadata of PSBTs.


static Future<Descriptor> newBip84Public(
    {required DescriptorPublicKey publicKey,
    required String fingerPrint,
    required bridge.Network network,
    required bridge.KeychainKind keychain}) async {
  try {
    final res = await loaderApi.newBip84PublicStaticMethodApi(
        keyChainKind: keychain,
        publicKey: publicKey.asString(),
        network: network,
        fingerprint: fingerPrint);
    return Descriptor._(res, network);
  } on bridge.Error catch (e) {
    throw handleBdkException(e);