
BdInfo is a Dart package that provides information about the divisions, districts, and upazilas of Bangladesh. It is designed to be simple and easy to use, allowing developers to quickly access and utilize the information in their applications.


Feature Android iOS
Get basic information about Bangladesh
Retrieve all divisions
Get all districts
Retrieve all upazilas
Get districts by division
Retrive upazilas by division
Get upazilas by district
Retrieve division by district
Get district by upazila

Many more features are being developed such as thanas under different districts and divisions.


Add bd_info as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

  bd_info: ^1.0.0


Import the package in your Dart code:

import 'package:bd_info/bd_info.dart';


void main() {

  //Get BasicInfo About Bangladesh
  var bdInfo = BdInfo.basicInfo;

  //Get All Divisions
  List<Division> divisions = BdInfo.allDivisions;

  //Get All Districts
  List<District> districts = BdInfo.allDistricts;

  //Get All Upazillas
  List<Upazila> upazilas = BdInfo.allUpazilas;

  //Get Districts by Division
  Division division = BdInfo.allDivisions.first;
  List<District> allDistrictsByDivision = division.allDistricts;

  //Get Upazillas by Division
  List<Upazila> allUpazilasByDivision = division.allUpazilas;

  //Get Upazillas by District
  District district = BdInfo.allDistricts.first;
  List<Upazila> allUpazilasByDistrict = district.allUpazilas;

  //Know which division given district belongs to
  Division whichDivision = BdInfo.whichDivision(district);

  //know which District given Upazilla belongs to
  District whichDistrict = BdInfo.whichDistrict(upazila);

Bugs or Requests

Contributions to improve and expand this package are welcome! If you have suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue. Pull request are also welcome.


Contributions of any kind are welcome!

