parseTypeName method
Parse a type name and get the type's generics.
final (typeName, typeParams) = parseTypeName('Option<Coin<SUI>>');
// typeName: Option
// typeParams: [ 'Coin<SUI>' ]
(String, List<dynamic>) parseTypeName(TypeName name) {
if (name is Iterable) {
final nameList = name.toList();
return (nameList[0], nameList.sublist(1));
if (name is! String) {
throw ArgumentError("Illegal type passed as a name of the type: $name");
final (left, right) = schema.genericSeparators ?? ("<", ">");
final l_bound = name.indexOf(left);
final r_bound = name.split("").reversed.toList().indexOf(right);
// if there are no generics - exit gracefully.
if (l_bound == -1 && r_bound == -1) {
return (name, []);
// if one of the bounds is not defined - throw an Error.
if (l_bound == -1 || r_bound == -1) {
throw ArgumentError("Unclosed generic in name '$name'");
final typeName = name.substring(0, l_bound);
final params = name
.substring(l_bound + 1, name.length - r_bound - 1)
.map((e) => e.trim())
return (typeName, params);