StreamingFutureBatcher<T>.from constructor

  1. Iterable<BatchedFutureGenerator<T>> generators,
  2. int threadCount, {
  3. bool closeWhenIdle = true,

Creates a batcher from an iterable of generators.

Creating a batcher in this way allows the stream to close automatically when everything has completed. This behaviour is set with closeWhenIdle. When closeWhenIdle is true, this can be a drop-in replacement for [Stream.fromFutures).

closeWhenIdle can also be changed at any point before closing.


  Iterable<BatchedFutureGenerator<T>> generators,
  int threadCount, {
  bool closeWhenIdle = true,
})  : _closeWhenIdle = closeWhenIdle,
      super(threadCount) {
  // Add the initial generators.
  // Close immediately if there were no initial generators and closeWhenIdle
  // is true.
  if (_totalResultCount == 0 && closeWhenIdle) close();