rename function

Future<int> rename(
  1. String path,
  2. String substring,
  3. String newString,
  4. bool recursive,
  5. bool numbered,

Rename all files that match the substring to newString in a given path.

  • If recursive is true, then all subdirectories will be searched.
  • If numbered is true, then the files will be renamed to newString followed by a number.


Future<int> rename(String path, String substring, String newString,
    bool recursive, bool numbered) async {
  int count = 0;
  final dir = Directory(path);
  var dirExists = await dir.exists();

  if (dirExists) {
    await for (var file in dir.list(recursive: recursive, followLinks: false)) {
      String filename = file.uri.pathSegments.last;
      RegExp regex = RegExp(substring);

      if (regex.hasMatch(filename)) {
        String finalString = numbered ? '$newString${count + 1}' : newString;

        List<String> path = file.uri.pathSegments;
        String newPath = path.sublist(0, path.length - 1).join('/');

        await file.rename(newPath +
            Platform.pathSeparator +
            filename.replaceAll(regex, finalString));


  return count;