basic_widgets library
Basic widgets library for Flutter apps.
- BasicAppBar
- BasicbackButton
- BasicBorder
- BasicButton
- BasicCard
- BasicCheckbox
- BasicDialog
- BasicDialogAction
- BasicDialogDelegate
- BasicDivider
- BasicErrorView
- BasicField
- BasicGap
- BasicImage
- BasicInkCard
- BasicListTile
- BasicLoadingIndicator
- BasicNetworkImage
- BasicPasswordField
T> - BasicSettingsContent
- BasicSettingsTile
- BasicSheet
- BasicSwitch
- BasicTheme
- BasicWebView
- FaIcon
- Creates an Icon Widget that works for non-material Icons, such as the Font Awesome Icons.
- FontAwesomeIcons
- Icons based on font awesome 6.6.0
- IconDataBrands
- IconData for a font awesome brand icon from a code point
- IconDataDuotone
- IconData for a font awesome duotone icon from a code point. Only works if duotone icons (font awesome pro) have been installed.
- IconDataLight
- IconData for a font awesome light icon from a code point. Only works if light icons (font awesome pro) have been installed.
- IconDataRegular
- IconData for a font awesome regular icon from a code point
- IconDataSharpLight
- IconData for a font awesome sharp light icon from a code point. Only works if thin icons (font awesome pro, v6+) have been installed.
- IconDataSharpRegular
- IconData for a font awesome sharp regular icon from a code point. Only works if thin icons (font awesome pro, v6+) have been installed.
- IconDataSharpSolid
- IconData for a font awesome sharp solid icon from a code point. Only works if thin icons (font awesome pro, v6+) have been installed.
- IconDataSharpThin
- IconData for a font awesome sharp thin icon from a code point. Only works if thin icons (font awesome pro, v6+) have been installed.
- IconDataSolid
- IconData for a font awesome solid icon from a code point
- IconDataThin
- IconData for a font awesome thin icon from a code point. Only works if thin icons (font awesome pro, v6+) have been installed.
- SnackBarInfo
- kBasicSheetTitleHight → const double
- kBasicSheetTitleHightWithoutText → const double
BuildContext context, {required BasicDialogDelegate delegate, BorderRadius borderRadius = const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(6))}) → Future< bool?> -
T> ({required BuildContext context, required WidgetBuilder builder, bool isScrollControlled = true, BoxConstraints? constraints, bool isDismissible = true, bool enableDrag = true}) → Future< T?> -
{required BuildContext context, required String content, SnackBarType type = SnackBarType.warning, Duration? duration, VoidCallback? onVisible}) → void