final Map<String, String> enUs = {
'msg_network_err': 'Network Error',
'msg_something_went_wrong': 'Something went wrong!',
"lbl_back": "Back",
"lbl_email_address": "Email Address",
"lbl_phone_number": "Phone Number",
"lbl_continua": "Continue",
"lbl_password": "Password",
"lbl_bentornato": "Welcome back!",
"lbl_log_out": "Log out",
"lbl_f1_welcome": "Welcome",
"lbl_edit": "Edit",
"lbl_edit_profile": "Edit Profile",
"msg_payments_methods": "Payment Methods",
"lbl_ricordami": "Remember",
"msg_crea_il_tuo_account": "Create your account",
"msg_non_hai_un_account2": "Don't have an account? ",
"msg_hai_gi_un_account2": "Already have an account? ",
"lbl_language": "Language",
"msg_hai_dimenticato": "Forgot password?",
"msg_non_hai_un_account": "Don't have an account? Sign up now",
"lbl_set_new_photo": "Change photo",
"lbl_age": "Age",
"lbl_registrati_ora": "Sign up now",
"msg_change_profile_photo": "Change profile photo",
"msg_hai_gi_un_account": "Already have an account? Log In",
"lbl_profile": "Profile",
"lbl_privacy": "Privacy",
"msg_terms_and_conditions": "Terms and Conditions",
"lbl_done": "Done",
"lbl_search": "Search",
"lbl_other": "Other",
"lbl_notification": "Notifications",
"lbl_full_name": "Full Name",
"lbl_new_password": "Recover password",
"msg_inserisci_la_mail": "Enter your email",
"lbl_send": "Send",
"msg_aggiungi_un_nuovo": "Add new payment method",
"lbl_acquista": "Buy",
"lbl_acquista_con_carta": "Buy with this card",
"msg_conferma_di_pagamento": "Payment confirmation",
"msg_nome_intestatario": "Cardholder Name",
"lbl_numero_carta": "Card Number",
"msg_data_di_scadenza": "Expiration Date",
"lbl_cvv": "CVV",
"lbl_paga_ora": "Pay now",
"lbl_payment": "Payment",
"msg_il_tuo_acquisto": "Your purchase was successful!",
"lbl_condividi": "Share",
"lbl_cancel": "Cancel",
"lbl_confirm": "Confirm",
"lbl_attention": "Attention",
"lbl_add_new": "Add new card",
"lbl_contact": "Contacts",
"lbl_prosegui": "Continue",
"Do you want to set this card as the default payment method?",
"Do you want to select this card as the payment method?",
"Do you want to deselect this card as the payment method?",
"lbl_remove_card": "Do you want to remove this card?",
"lbl_no_card_saved": "No cards saved",
"lbl_invite_friends": "Invite friends",
"lbl_invite": "Invite",
//DIALOG ----------------------
"title_error": "Error",
"title_success": "Success",
"field_error": "Fill in both fields",
"logout_title": "Attention",
"logout_msg": "Are you sure you want to log out?",
"lbl_no_internet": "No internet connection",
"lbl_perfect": "Perfect!",
"lbl_pay_with_default_card": "Are you sure you want to pay with this card?",
"lbl_payment_added_successfully": "Payment method added successfully",
"lbl_payment_removed_successfully": "Payment method removed successfully",
"lbl_congrat": "Congratulations",
"lbl_radar_turn_on": "Do you want to turn on the radar?",
"lbl_radar_turn_off": "Do you want to turn off the radar?",
* Strings for Live Validator
// Text
"lbl_insert_valid_text": "Enter only simple characters without spaces",
"lbl_required_field": "Required field",
// Email
"lbl_email_required": "Email is required",
"lbl_email_must_contain_at": "Email must contain an @",
"lbl_email_must_contain_dot": "Email must contain a dot",
// Password
"lbl_password_required": "Password is required",
"lbl_password_must_contain_at_least_one_uppercase_letter": "The password must contain at least one uppercase letter",
"The password must contain at least one lowercase letter",
"The password must contain at least one number",
"The password must contain at least one special character",
// Username "lbl_username_required": "Username is required", "lbl_username_must_be_at_least_3_characters": "Username must be at least 3 characters long", // Phone number "lbl_phone_number_required": "Phone number is required", "lbl_phone_number_must_be_numeric": "Phone number must be numeric", "lbl_phone_number_must_be_at_least_10_digits": "Phone number must be at least 10 digits long", // Address "lbl_address_required": "Address is required", "lbl_address_min_length": "Address must be at least 5 characters long", "lbl_address_must_contain_space": "Address must contain a space",
/** 1.1 **/ "lbl_add_attachment": "Add attachments",
"lbl_share": "Share",
"lbl_image": "Images",
"lbl_name": "Name",
"lbl_surname": "Surname",
"lbl_gift": "Gift",
"lbl_download": "Download",
"lbl_settings": "Settings"