getFontSize (double px )
→ double
This method is used to set text font size according to Viewport
getHorizontalSize (double px )
→ double
This method is used to set padding/margin (for the left and Right side) & width of the screen or widget according to the Viewport width.
getMargin ({double ? all , double ? left , double ? top , double ? right , double ? bottom })
→ EdgeInsetsGeometry
This method is used to set margin responsively
getMarginOrPadding ({double ? all , double ? left , double ? top , double ? right , double ? bottom })
→ EdgeInsetsGeometry
This method is used to get padding or margin responsively
getPadding ({double ? all , double ? left , double ? top , double ? right , double ? bottom })
→ EdgeInsetsGeometry
This method is used to set padding responsively
getSize (double px )
→ double
This method is used to set smallest px in image height and width
getVerticalSize (double px )
→ double
This method is used to set padding/margin (for the top and bottom side) & height of the screen or widget according to the Viewport height.
isText (String ? inputString , {bool isRequired = false })
→ bool
Checks if string consist only Alphabet. (No Whitespace)
isValidEmail (String ? inputString , {bool isRequired = false })
→ bool
Checks if string is email.
isValidPassword (String ? inputString , {bool isRequired = false })
→ bool
Password should have,
at least a upper case letter
at least a lower case letter
at least a digit
at least a special character @#$%^&+=
length of at least 4
no white space allowed
ratioPhoneLike ()
→ bool
validateAddress (String ? value )
→ String ?
validateEmail (String ? email )
→ String ?
Validator functions
validateNotEmpty (String ? value )
→ String ?
validatePassword (String ? password )
→ String ?
validatePhoneNumber (String ? phoneNumber )
→ String ?
validateText (String ? value )
→ String ?
validateUsername (String ? username )
→ String ?
basic_utils_flutter 0.0.8