shadeColor static method

String shadeColor(
  1. String hex,
  2. double percent

Lightens or darkens the given hex color by the given percent.

To lighten a color, set the percent value to > 0. To darken a color, set the percent value to < 0. Will add a # to the hex string if it is missing.


static String shadeColor(String hex, double percent) {
  var bC = basicColorsFromHex(hex);

  var R = (bC[BASIC_COLOR_RED]! * (100 + percent) / 100).round();
  var G = (bC[BASIC_COLOR_GREEN]! * (100 + percent) / 100).round();
  var B = (bC[BASIC_COLOR_BLUE]! * (100 + percent) / 100).round();

  if (R > 255) {
    R = 255;
  } else if (R < 0) {
    R = 0;

  if (G > 255) {
    G = 255;
  } else if (G < 0) {
    G = 0;

  if (B > 255) {
    B = 255;
  } else if (B < 0) {
    B = 0;

  var RR = ((R.toRadixString(16).length == 1)
      ? '0' + R.toRadixString(16)
      : R.toRadixString(16));
  var GG = ((G.toRadixString(16).length == 1)
      ? '0' + G.toRadixString(16)
      : G.toRadixString(16));
  var BB = ((B.toRadixString(16).length == 1)
      ? '0' + B.toRadixString(16)
      : B.toRadixString(16));

  return '#' + RR + GG + BB;