download method

  1. @override
Future<Response> download(
  1. String urlPath,
  2. dynamic savePath, {
  3. ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,
  4. Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters,
  5. CancelToken? cancelToken,
  6. bool deleteOnError = true,
  7. FileAccessMode fileAccessMode = FileAccessMode.write,
  8. String lengthHeader = Headers.contentLengthHeader,
  9. Object? data,
  10. Options? options,

Download the file and save it in local. The default http method is "GET", you can custom it by Options.method.

urlPath is the file url.

The file will be saved to the path specified by savePath. The following two types are accepted:

  1. String: A path, eg "xs.jpg"
  2. FutureOr<String> Function(Headers headers), for example:
      (Headers headers) {
        // Extra info: redirect counts
        // Extra info: real uri
        // ...
        return (await getTemporaryDirectory()).path + 'file_name';

onReceiveProgress is the callback to listen downloading progress. Please refer to ProgressCallback.

deleteOnError whether delete the file when error occurs. The default value is true.

fileAccessMode {@macro dio.options.FileAccessMode}

lengthHeader : The real size of original file (not compressed). When file is compressed:

  1. If this value is 'content-length', the total argument of onReceiveProgress will be -1.
  2. If this value is not 'content-length', maybe a custom header indicates the original file size, the total argument of onReceiveProgress will be this header value.

You can also disable the compression by specifying the 'accept-encoding' header value as '*' to assure the value of total argument of onReceiveProgress is not -1. For example:

  (await getTemporaryDirectory()).path + 'flutter.svg',
  options: Options(
    headers: {HttpHeaders.acceptEncodingHeader: '*'}, // Disable gzip
  onReceiveProgress: (received, total) {
    if (total <= 0) return;
    print('percentage: ${(received / total * 100).toStringAsFixed(0)}%');


Future<Response> download(
  String urlPath,
  dynamic savePath, {
  ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,
  Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters,
  CancelToken? cancelToken,
  bool deleteOnError = true,
  FileAccessMode fileAccessMode = FileAccessMode.write,
  String lengthHeader = Headers.contentLengthHeader,
  Object? data,
  Options? options,
}) async {
  options ??= DioMixin.checkOptions('GET', options);
  // Manually set the `responseType` to []
  // to retrieve the response stream.
  // Do not modify previous options.
  options = options.copyWith(responseType:;
  final Response<ResponseBody> response;
  try {
    response = await request<ResponseBody>(
      data: data,
      options: options,
      queryParameters: queryParameters,
      cancelToken: cancelToken,
  } on DioException catch (e) {
    if (e.type == DioExceptionType.badResponse) {
      final response = e.response!;
      if (response.requestOptions.receiveDataWhenStatusError == true) {
        final ResponseType implyResponseType;
        final contentType = response.headers.value(Headers.contentTypeHeader);
        if (contentType != null && contentType.startsWith('text/')) {
          implyResponseType = ResponseType.plain;
        } else {
          implyResponseType = ResponseType.json;
        final res = await transformer.transformResponse(
          response.requestOptions.copyWith(responseType: implyResponseType),
 as ResponseBody,
        ); = res;
      } else { = null;
  final File file;
  if (savePath is FutureOr<String> Function(Headers)) {
    // Add real Uri and redirect information to headers.
      ..add('redirects', response.redirects.length.toString())
      ..add('uri', response.realUri.toString());
    file = File(await savePath(response.headers));
  } else if (savePath is String) {
    file = File(savePath);
  } else {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
      'The type must be `String` or `FutureOr<String> Function(Headers)`.',

  // If the file already exists, the method fails.
  file.createSync(recursive: true);

  // Shouldn't call file.writeAsBytesSync(list, flush: flush),
  // because it can write all bytes by once. Consider that the file is
  // a very big size (up to 1 Gigabytes), it will be expensive in memory.
  RandomAccessFile raf = file.openSync(
    mode: fileAccessMode == FileAccessMode.write
        ? FileMode.write
        : FileMode.append,

  // Create a Completer to notify the success/error state.
  final completer = Completer<Response>();
  int received = 0;

  // Stream<Uint8List>
  final stream =!.stream;
  bool compressed = false;
  int total = 0;
  final contentEncoding = response.headers.value(
  if (contentEncoding != null) {
    compressed = ['gzip', 'deflate', 'compress'].contains(contentEncoding);
  if (lengthHeader == Headers.contentLengthHeader && compressed) {
    total = -1;
  } else {
    total = int.parse(response.headers.value(lengthHeader) ?? '-1');

  Future<void>? asyncWrite;
  bool closed = false;
  Future<void> closeAndDelete() async {
    if (!closed) {
      closed = true;
      await asyncWrite;
      await raf.close().catchError((_) => raf);
      if (deleteOnError && file.existsSync()) {
        await file.delete().catchError((_) => file);

  late StreamSubscription subscription;
  subscription = stream.listen(
    (data) {
      // Write file asynchronously
      asyncWrite = raf.writeFrom(data).then((result) {
        // Notify progress
        received += data.length;
        onReceiveProgress?.call(received, total);
        raf = result;
        if (cancelToken == null || !cancelToken.isCancelled) {
      }).catchError((Object e) async {
        try {
          await subscription.cancel().catchError((_) {});
          closed = true;
          await raf.close().catchError((_) => raf);
          if (deleteOnError && file.existsSync()) {
            await file.delete().catchError((_) => file);
        } finally {
            DioMixin.assureDioException(e, response.requestOptions),
    onDone: () async {
      try {
        await asyncWrite;
        closed = true;
        await raf.close().catchError((_) => raf);
      } catch (e) {
          DioMixin.assureDioException(e, response.requestOptions),
    onError: (e) async {
      try {
        await closeAndDelete();
      } finally {
          DioMixin.assureDioException(e, response.requestOptions),
    cancelOnError: true,
  cancelToken?.whenCancel.then((_) async {
    await subscription.cancel();
    await closeAndDelete();
  return DioMixin.listenCancelForAsyncTask(cancelToken, completer.future);