
『 based_dock_scaffold - Based Dock Scaffold! 』

Latest update: 2023-07-25 23:54:08

📚 Introduction

📸 Screenshots

📦 How to use

⏳ Rate of progress

📌 Cautions

🧑‍💻 Contributor

🔦 Declaration

📚 Introduction

A Based Dock Scaffold Widget, Which Helps You Create A Scaffold With A IPad-Like Dock

📸 Screenshots


Or try out live example app

📦 How to use

  • Follow Installing to add based_dock_scaffold to your pubspec.yaml

  • See the example code at example

⏳ Rate of progress

Done, but it will revise if necessary

📌 Cautions

  • DO NOT import any file below src folder:

    import 'package:based_dock_scaffold/src/*.dart';
  • DO NOT use BasedDockScaffold.of(context) in the subtree of dockChild

    Like the widget tree at example, you can't find the BasedDockScaffoldState


  • Since BasedDockScaffold is actually NOT a Scaffold widget, you can't get the ScaffoldState by using BasedDockScaffold.of(context) Instead, you should use Scaffold.of(context) to get ScaffoldState

🧑‍💻 Contributor

🔦 Declaration


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details