SharedCalls class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

applyParametersOnDefaultJson(String defaultJsonName, Map<String, dynamic> updatedParameters) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
This method takes the default json file and updates the parameters with the given parameters from customer configuration The approach is needed to always have the full json come to the native platform
checkColors(Map<String, dynamic> defaultConfiguration) → void
take the color all strings with alpha and swap the last two characters to the start position RGBA-> ARGB
cleanupBarcodeStorageInternal(MethodChannel channel) Future
Clear storage folder with barcode snapped images
detectBarcodesFromImage(MethodChannel channel, Uri file, {List<BarcodeFormat> barcodeFormats = const <BarcodeFormat>[], BarcodeAdditionalParameters? additionalParameters, List<BarcodeDocumentFormat> acceptedDocumentFormats = const <BarcodeDocumentFormat>[]}) Future<BarcodeScanningResult>
Detect barcodes from image file uri.
detectBarcodesFromImages(MethodChannel channel, List<Uri> imageFileUris, {List<BarcodeFormat> barcodeFormats = const <BarcodeFormat>[], BarcodeAdditionalParameters? additionalParameters, List<BarcodeDocumentFormat> acceptedDocumentFormats = const <BarcodeDocumentFormat>[]}) Future<MultiImageBarcodeScanningResult>
Detect barcodes from the given images list
getBarcodeFormatterV2(BarcodeUseCase useCase) BarcodeItemMapper?
getLicenseStatusInternal(MethodChannel channel) Future<SdkLicenseStatus>
Returns the current license status of the Scanbot SDK.
invoke(MethodChannel _channel, String method, Map<String, dynamic> json) Future<String>
isUsecaseSupportBarcodeFormatterV2(BarcodeScannerConfiguration config) bool
startBarcodeScannerInternal(MethodChannel channel, BarcodeScannerConfiguration config) Future<BarcodeScanningResult>
Starts the Ready-to-Use Barcode Scanner UI as full-screen modal UI dialog. The Barcode Scanner is able to recognize 1D- and 2D-barcodes (QR codes, etc).
startBarcodeScannerV2(MethodChannel channel, BarcodeScannerConfiguration config) Future<ResultWrapper<BarcodeScannerResult>>
startBatchBarcodeScanner(MethodChannel channel, BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration config) Future<BarcodeScanningResult>
Starts the Ready-to-Use Batch Barcode Scanner UI as full-screen modal UI dialog. The Barcode Scanner is able to recognize 1D- and 2D-barcodes (QR codes, etc).
swapColorString(dynamic value) → dynamic
updateParameter(Map<String, dynamic> updatedParameters, Map<String, dynamic> defaultConfiguration) → void
wasCanceled(String result) bool